
Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Moving blogs!

Hey guys! Finding it a little difficult to manage more than one blog for reviews, so I'm moving over to wordpress.

I hope to see you guys there!
-Tasha Jade

Friday, July 24, 2015

Review: Fairy Lies by E.D. Baker

Hey everyone! I finished reading a certain book recently, and the book today is...

Fairy Lies, by the same Author who wrote "The Wide Awake Princess", E.D. Baker! (Look at that beautiful cover, It's shows off the heroine really well!)

Now I was a little confused because it turns out this book is a Sequel to another one of E.D. Baker's books, called "Fairy Wings". If I can find a copy of that somewhere where I live, I'm going to try to save up so I can buy it.

Anyway, this book is about a girl named Tamisin. She is a half fairy, half human girl whose parents are the Fairy Queen Titania and a Human named Bottom (I've read about A Midsummer Night's Dream before and had to stop myself from giggling because I remembered the story). The story starts of with her dancing in the moonlight, attracting other fairies to her with graceful and elegant moves. Tamisin starts to feel conflicted at the start of the story, because she keeps getting the urge to go back to the Land of the Fey- and back to her Mother's side.

It went to the point that she found herself walking to a Gate behind her school even when she meant to go somewhere else. But every time she looked at it, the Gate was closed. There was no way she was going to the Land of the Fey through her. Her mood grows more depressed and disappointed, and she even snaps at her boyfriend, a Half-cat goblin named Jack, for not telling her that a Gate opened in his backyard some time ago. It led to a strain in their relationship and made her even more depressed than before.

Even though she knew it was Titania's kiss that was making her want to go back, she couldn't help it. She lashed out because she couldn't get what she wanted. Then one day, she was dancing under the moonlight... only to be kidnapped by a Fairy belonging to Oberon's side of the forest!

As the story goes on, it reveals that people do a lot of stupid things just to get what they want. Some go as far as calling themselves superior, treating others who weren't like them below their high and mighty status. Some just steal because they wanted something so badly that they even used magic to try and convince everyone else what they believed was true!

It truly is a case of "Fairy Lies"... but the ending was wrapped up nicely. Preventing a war before it got too bad, getting past the spells and finally seeing her real (very sweet) boyfriend again, it makes me wonder what kind of Adventure Tamisin had in Fairy Wings. If it was as great as Fairy Lies, I wonder if there's a copy I could buy? I can really see how stubborn people can be... a lot of things happen because some refuse to believe the Truth, so they make up their own "truth". It's a little sad, but it's very close to reality.

If you guys see this book, I recommend you buy it! Even if you didn't read Fairy Wings (like me!) I can assure you, this is a good book. It's definitely something worth reading!

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Wow, it's been awhile!

It looks like after my first review, I didn't post a review on any other book! Whoops, I guess I read too many books- so many books are interesting, I can't wait to be able to read more!

Right now I'm reading Fairy Lies by E.D. Baker. Coincidentally, I read her book The Wide-Awake Princess when I was in High school, so I know this will be a good book. I'm almost halfway through the book now, and I'll be reviewing it after I'm done before I read Angie Sage's new book, "Pathfinder"!

So far the plot's getting a little complicated... I hope the ending will be just as exciting! I'll see you guys next time with a review, so goodbye until next review!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Never mind! : A twin novel review

Hey guys! It's time for my first review.

Last week, I found this book- It's called "never mind!: A Twin Novel" . What I found most interesting was the fact that the front was of one twin -Edward- upside down. When I turned the book around, I found the other twin -Meg- staring right at me, with the title upside down! The reviews were different, and instead of Edward's Quote, it was Meg's Quote- "I'm not like him at all!".

I borrowed it from the school library and read it over the weekend. The story was about how a mistake one twin made their whole lives a chaotic mess. As the story went on, it showed how they dug themselves deeper into their lie, but on the way they realize that they cared for each other, and that they were more alike than they thought!

The story's plot was only a few days of their lives, but those few days were very, very interesting. Who knew that a simple quarrel between twins would make such a big mess? It seemed like everything they did, the other twin would misunderstand the reason and get angry.

To be honest, reading this story reminded me alot of how I would quarrel with my own two brothers. I guess we just don't understand the reason huh?

But enough about that- here's the lesson the book was trying to tell its readers: Laugh at yourself. Laugh at all the mistakes you made, and don't be negative about it. Hey, accidents happen right? We should always do our best, and instead of being all depressed about our mistakes, wouldn't it be better if we decided to deal with it and move on? At least, that's what I think.

I'll end my review for now, since I'm not sure what else I should type. I wish I could reread the story though, but I had to return it to my school's library. I'm reading another book now, and I'll be reviewing about it next week! See you then!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

First post

Hey guys~

I decided to make a blog again x3 This blog, as the title implies, is meant for books. Basically I'll be talking about only books here. If I'll talk about anything else, I'll most likely make a new blog meant for that xD
(Yes, I'm well aware that I should not use emoticons- It's hard not to because sometimes I feel like I'm a robot if I don't)

I have to warn you, however, that I'll be very informal in my posts. The way I type may be formal sometimes, but it's hard for me to maintain that way of typing therefore I will most likely be very informal here.

That's all for now ^^ Until next time!