

Hey guys, I'm NJAM!

I'm just a girl living in the Philippines who likes to draw, write some stories and play games. I spend most of my time online, watching shows and reading stories. I love to draw, though my art isn't as good as those who can do realism, I'm still learning how to improve my drawings more!

This blog was originally made as a "Summer homework" from my Mom to my brother and I back in 2013. We were supposed to review the books we read, but after One review... well, we were kids! We weren't exactly eager to make a proper review for the books we read. We loved to read more than actually write about books.

Two years later I look at blogger again and I saw this blog. I figured since I have a lot of free time lately, this would be something I could do. Some minor edits were made and I started reviewing again. I read a lot of books, so hopefully you guys will like- or maybe even be amused- by my reviews!

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